Just In:PFF named Ernest Jones as the most underrated player on the Los Angeles Rams, but is that accur…Read more.

It sounds like Ernest Jones had an impressive season according to PFF’s metrics, but whether he’s truly the Rams’ most underrated player is subjective. Other factors like his impact on the team’s overall performance and recognition from fans and other analysts could also play a role in determining his level of underratedness.

It sounds like PFF is saying that Jones isn’t remarkable, but isn’t a liability either. Does that qualify as the “most underrated” on a team with plenty of players who probably don’t get as much recognition as Jones? Even though Ernest Jones isn’t a league star and many fans might not know of him, he stands out on the defense for 145 tackles, 14 tackles for a loss, and 4.5 sacks. All you need is look at any Rams stat page for Ernest Jones to stand out.

I thought PFF’s purpose was to do more than just rely on traditional stats and to find the hidden gems of the league. I think if you asked plugged in Rams fans about the best players on L.A.’s defense without Aaron Donald that Jones might get the most votes.

Who else is underrated?

G/C Steve Avila

It seems like Avila’s versatility and contribution to the team’s strategy might indeed make him underrated, especially considering how his role may have been overshadowed by other player acquisitions and headlines.

QB Matthew Stafford

As always.

DB Quentin Lake

Quentin Lake’s versatility and impressive performance stats definitely make a case for him being underrated. His ability to hold opponents to a low yards-per-target average and his potential for increased playing time highlight his value to the Rams’ defense.

WR Demarcus Robinson

Based on the information provided, Quentin Lake, with his versatility and impressive performance stats, and Demarcus Robinson, especially if he adds value as a kick returner, seem to be among the most underrated players on the Rams.

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