On Thursday morning, South Philadelphia High School went into lockdown briefly after a 17-year-old student allegedly brought live ammunition into the building. A school safety officer examined the student’s backpack after a metal detector at the entrance triggered an alert. Inside, a 9mm magazine with one live round was found, but no firearm was located, according to officials from the School District of Philadelphia.
“We’re thankful that the ammunition wasn’t accompanied by a firearm, but it’s still a prohibited item on any School District of Philadelphia property,” said Christina Clark, spokesperson for the school district. “Following district policy, the school was secured to conduct a thorough search for any other potential prohibited items on the grounds.”
Clark informed Metro that only students found bringing guns to school are arrested, while those in possession of other prohibited items, like a firearm magazine, are redirected to other interventions. She also noted that after the search was completed, classes resumed as usual at the school, which is situated at Broad Street and Snyder Avenue.