Congratulations: Buffalo Rumblings, on reaching another milestone!

Today we’re celebrating us, for Buffalo Rumblings was born on this day — April 7, 2007! Where were you 17 years ago? That’s quite a while ago in terms of the internet of things.

As with any place of such age, the inner workings here have changed a fair bit over time. As the current Editor-In-Chief, I’ve been very fortunate to lead the site for more than a year now. One of the greatest constants of all at Buffalo Rumblings has been the readership, which continues to grow.
For those who have been with us since the beginning, you’ll remember Brian’s initial football-focused piece weighing the possibility of the Buffalo Bills trading two second-round picks for Michael Turner from the San Diego Chargers. From Panda Watch to the sleepless nights during free agency and Mario Williams signing, to the euphoria of ending the 17-year playoff drought, our journey has been unforgettable. Many of you have been loyal readers and active participants since the early days, which underscores our commitment to creating the ultimate Buffalo Bills fan community where everyone can thrive.
And you know what? It’s true! From the building blocks of a tremendous literary voice in the OG Editor-In-Chief, Brian Galliford, to the one and only Matt Rich Warren (MRW) who guided this ship as Editor-In-Chief for over a decade before passing the wheel to Chris Trapasso, then back to MRW before BG, to where we’ve landed now with me — there has never been a better place to get your Bills fix.

So here’s to you, Bills Mafia! Without you all, we couldn’t accomplish what we do on a daily basis. With that, I’ll turn it over to some of our Rumblings team who wanted to share a few thoughts on this special day.
Buffalo Rumblings is turning 17 years old! I’ve been coming here for content since nearly the beginning. The 2024 season will mark my eighth as a contributor. If I tried to make a list of memories it’d be too long to go to print, so I’ll keep it short. The longevity of the site and commitment of so many is a reflection of the community that supports Rumblings. Thank you all and Happy Birthday Buffalo Rumblings!
My first real Rumblings memory came as a lurker, and was one of the wildest drought-era situations I can remember: The Mario Williams Saga. I refreshed the page to the point of obsession, and I knew that I’d know the news was real once Brian Galliford told me it had happened. When I was added to the writing team during training camp of Rex Ryan’s final season as head coach (on my second application attempt — never give up, kids!), I couldn’t believe it. The page has brought Bills fans from across the globe together for years now, and I’m thankful that we’re on this ride together. Happy Birthday, Rumblings

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