Winners and losers from the Lakers signing JJ Redick: How LeBron James benefits, while Anthony Davis might not.

JJ Redick,No, JJ Redick has taken on the most challenging coaching role in basketball, relying on his 15-year career as a sharpshooter, eight years as a podcaster, and three years as a television analyst. It will take years to determine if his atypical background will result in success or failure as a head coach. However, this hiring will immediately impact various significant figures within the Lakers organization and across the league. So, let’s exam

ine the consequences: who will benefit and who might suffer due to Redick’s hiring?fessional or college basketball, nor has he worked in a front office. Despite his successful career as an NBA player, predominantly as a sNo, JJ Redick has taken on the most challenging coaching role in basketball, relying on his 15-year career as a sharpshooter, eight years as a podcaster, and three years as a television analyst. It will take years to determine if his atypical background will result in success or failure as a head coach. However, this hiring will immediately impact various significant figures within the Lakers organization and across the league. So, let’s examine the consequences: who will benefit and who might suffer due to Redick’s hiring?hooting guard rather than the typical profile for first-time coaches without experience.

Winner: JJ Redick

Let’s begin with the glaringly obvLet’s begin with the glaringly obvious: despite the numerous challenges that coaching the Lakers entails (and rest assured, we’ll delve into many of them), you’re still coaching the Lakers. The immense pressure associated with this position exists for a reason. The entire basketball community has its eyes on you. Players across the league aspire to join your team, and typically, you have access to more talent than most other teams. Even during a period that might be considered a low point in the team’s history, coaching the Lakers means you have the opportunity to lead LeBron James and Anthony Davis onto the court.Let’s begin with the glaringly obvious: despite the numerous challenges that coaching the Lakers entails (and rest assured, we’ll delve into many of them), you’re still coaching the Lakers. The immense pressure associated with this position exists for a reason. The entire basketball community has its eyes on you. Players across the league aspire to join your team, and typically, you have access to more talent than most other teams. Even during a period that might be considered a low point in the team’s history, coaching the Lakers means you have the opportunity to lead LeBron James and Anthony Davis onto the court.Let’s begin with the glaringly obvious: despite the numerous challenges that coaching the Lakers entails (and rest assured, we’ll delve into many of them), you’re still coaching the Lakers. The immense pressure associated with this position exists for a reason. The entire basketball community has its eyes on you. Players across the league aspire to join your team, and typically, you have access to more talent than most other teams. Even during a period that might be considered a low point in the team’s history, coaching the Lakers means you have the opportunity to lead LeBron James and Anthony Davis onto the court.Let’s begin with the glaringly obvious: despite the numerous challenges that coaching the Lakers entails (and rest assured, we’ll delve into many of them), you’re still coaching the Lakers. The immense pressure associated with this position exists for a reason. The entire basketball community has its eyes on you. Players across the league aspire to join your team, and typically, you have access to more talent than most other teams. Even during a period that might be considered a low point in the team’s history, coaching the Lakers means you have the opportunity to lead LeBron James and Anthony Davis onto the court.ious: despite the numerous challenges that coaching the Lakers entails (and rest assured, we’ll delve into many of them), you’re still coaching the Lakers. The immense pressure associated with this position exists for a reason. The entire basketball community has its eyes on you. Players across the league aspire to join your team, and typically, you have access to more talent than most other teams. Even during a period that might be considered a low point in the team’s history, coaching the Lakers means you have the opportunity to lead LeBron James and Anthony Davis onto the court.

During the Lakers’ search for a coach in 2022, JJ Redick expressed on ESPN’s Get Up why he believed this position might not be appealing: “Until they adopt a team-building approach similar to other NBA franchises in the modern era, I don’t think this is an attractive job.”

Recently, most of those significant decisions have been incorrect. In 2020, the Lakers successfully built a championship team around James and Davis, emphasizing 3-and-D wing players. However, over the past four years, they have moved away from this strategy. They have continuously invested resources in finding a point guard to lessen LeBron’s ball-handling responsibilities, yet they have not succeeded. Additionally, they have failed to secure a long-term center capable of shooting effectively to support Davis. Quality wing players have also been scarce. It often seems that the Lakers’ decisions are driven primarily by a pursuit of fame. They bring in stars, former stars, and highly drafted players who didn’t live up to expectations, with occasional successes but more frequent failures. This focus on individual scoring stats makes it challenging to build a team capable of winning championships.

Since Phil Jackson retired in 2011, the Lakers have had six head coaches, with Redick set to become the seventh. If the current brain trust doesn’t improve, it’s likely that they will soon be searching for an eighth coach. Despite winning a championship just two years ago, the Lakers parted ways with Frank Vogel and Darvin Ham soon after notable achievements. Recent history suggests that if things go wrong in Los Angeles, the front office is quick to use the coach as a scapegoat. Without a traditional coaching background, failure in Los Angeles could derail Redick’s promising career before it truly begins. Redick himself has pointed out that for the Lakers to succeed, they need to adopt a more conventional approach, something they have consistently avoided throughout their history.

Winner: LeBron James

This is a dual triumph for James. Let’s begin with the obvious: assuming James re-signs with the Lakers, he will now be playing under Redick, who happens to be his former podcast co-host. The depth of their relationship remains uncertain. Despite never having been teammates in the NBA and their podcast, Mind the Game, only launching in March, their professional relationship is at least amicable. While it’s not as though the Lakers have appointed someone like Dwyane Wade as their coach, the fact that James is comfortable with Redick is satisfactory.

James evidently wouldn’t have co-hosted a podcast with Redick if he didn’t respect his basketball acumen. While understanding basketball strategies and executing them within a professional team setting are distinct skills, it’s unlikely that James and Redick would significantly differ on strategic matters. Their shared vision for how the Lakers should play to win is likely aligned. Such alignment is never assured with James. From that perspective, this appointment is clearly advantageous.

However, James has skillfully maintained a distance during the selection process. According to Rich Paul, James “is not involved” in replacing Ham, a sentiment echoed widely in the media. This approach is astute public relations on James’s part. Will the Redick appointment succeed? James was an early supporter, akin to his backing of players like Malik Monk or groups like Migos. Yet, if it doesn’t work out, James can claim his hands are clean. This matters significantly given his Machiavellian reputation. When the Russell Westbrook trade faltered years ago, James bore considerable blame for its failure. This time, he has taken steps to shield himself from such fallout. It’s a win-win situation for a legendary player.



However, James has skillfully maintained a distance during the selection process. According to Rich Paul, James “is not involved” in replacing Ham, a sentiment echoed widely in the media. However, James has skillfully maintained a distance during the selection process. According to Rich Paul, James “is not involved” in replacing Ham, a sentiment echoed widely in the media.

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