Breaking News:Oh my, Tennessee has just approved a bill outlawing chemtrails, despite them being scientifically…

During a legislative hearing, one witness expressed her belief that the White House was conducting climate experiments but couldn’t offer conclusive evidence.
Being our semi-regular weekly survey of what’s goin’ down in the several states where, as we know, the real work of governmentin’ gets done and where lights flicker in the opposite loft and in this room, the heat pipes just cough.
We begin in Tennessee, which really is coming up hard on the rail in the race to be the wingnuttiest of wingnut states. From the BBC:
The bill forbids “intentional injection, release, or dispersion” of chemicals into the air. It doesn’t explicitly mention chemtrails, which conspiracy theorists believe are poisons spread by planes. Instead it broadly prohibits “affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight”.
Oh, dear Lord.
Several individuals who testified before the Tennessee legislature referred to discredited conspiracy theories or speculated about covert government geoengineering programs, as noted by Scott Banbury, conservation director of the state’s Sierra Club chapter. Banbury expressed concern over their claims, stating that if such activities were truly occurring, environmental organizations would demand an immediate halt. However, he affirmed that there is no evidence to support these allegations. The debate surrounding the Tennessee bill included references to both reliable and debunked information regarding geoengineering and weather modification. Additionally, one witness suggested that the White House was involved in climate experiments, although no conclusive evidence was provided. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) covered this topic with a touch of dry British humor, highlighting the eccentricities of the situation in the United States.
Let’s shift our focus to Florida, where it seems Governor Ronald DeSantis, who was unsuccessful in his bid for the presidency, is reportedly planning to instruct kindergarten classes to take out all the red crayons from their boxes. This information is sourced from the Orlando Sentinel, and credit goes to Diane Ravitch for bringing it to attention.

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