Former Steelers wide receiver Diontae Johnson expresses frustration over perceived lack of recognition: “I’m a hidden gem,” he asserts.

Former Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Diontae Johnson expresses frustration over lack of recognition: “I’m a diamond in the rough,” he declares. Johnson, now with the Carolina Panthers after an offseason trade, aims to prove himself anew. Despite past struggles, including being labeled a malcontent in Pittsburgh, Johnson is determined to win over his new team and fans with his fiery determination.

Johnson’s transition to the Carolina Panthers occurred at the offseason’s onset, as part of a trade alongside cornerback Donte Jackson. Despite his Pro Bowl status, Johnson has faced challenges in recent times. During a Panthers press conference, he emphasized his determination, stating he carried a chip on his shoulder from Pittsburgh to the South. This move may signify a bid for redemption following perceived discontent during his final years with the Steelers. Now, he aims to channel his passion to earn the trust and support of his new teammates and fans.

Being overlooked isn’t new to Johnson. He told reporters that it started when he was in high school. He didn’t get the college offers he felt he deserved and ended up playing for Toledo.

He knew he would have to step up at Toledo to get to the pros; he said he did and let his play speak for itself. He said he is doing that same thing now in Carolina, feeling that as a veteran, he got passed over by teams for younger players, which he thinks is a mistake.

Johnson is entering a contract year and needs to impress in Carolina to get paid in 2025. He can’t afford to fall short with the wide receiver contracts exploding elsewhere around the league.

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