Sad News:”Storm Star Suffers Serious Injury, Offers Update on Condition”…Read more.

“Melbourne Storm’s fullback Ryan Papenhuyzen has faced a series of injuries throughout his career, and he’s now dealing with another unfortunate setback.”

“Melbourne Storm fullback Ryan Papenhuyzen, no stranger to injuries, has suffered yet another setback. While competing against the Gold Coast Titans on Saturday night, Papenhuyzen left the field clutching his right leg after attempting to tackle opposing fullback AJ Brimson.

Following the incident, Papenhuyzen confirmed the injury, adding to the growing list of players unavailable for NSW Blues selection for Game 1 of the State of Origin series. This news came alongside an earlier announcement that Cameron Murray would also miss the opening game.

Storm coach Craig Bellamy shared his uncertainty about the severity of the injury in a post-match interview. ‘We’re not 100 per cent sure how bad it is,’ he said. ‘Ryan’s had a plate in that ankle before, so we’re not quite sure if it’s related to the plate or if it’s just above it. He’ll need a scan to find out more. I don’t know how much bad luck he can have.'”

Sua [Fa’alogo] also came off with a knee injury after all that so we’re not sure how bad that is. That’s why he came off the second time.”

“Melbourne Storm fullback Ryan Papenhuyzen, who has endured multiple injuries throughout his career, confirmed on social media that he has sustained a ‘little fracture’ above the surgical plate in his ankle, which was inserted after a previous injury.

This update came after Storm coach Craig Bellamy mentioned the uncertainty of the injury’s severity. The injury occurred during a match against the Gold Coast Titans, when Papenhuyzen exited the field clutching his right leg.

According to NRL Physio, the expected recovery time is approximately six to eight weeks, casting doubt on Papenhuyzen’s availability for the start of the NSW Blues State of Origin campaign.”


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